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Cancer Care


Psycho-oncology is concerned with aspects of cancer that go beyond medical treatment and include lifestyle, psychological and social aspects of cancer. Sometimes it is also referred to as psychosocial oncology or behavioral oncology because it deals with psychosocial and behavioral topics.  

DeeDee had a therapy office within a cancer clinic for many years, and then co-created an integrative oncology center to continue and broaden her work with cancer patients. Today, as an independent Marriage and Family Therapist, she continues to care for cancer patients, their families, children, caregivers and cancer survivors. In addition to helping them in private sessions, for the last 10 years, DeeDee has facilitated a Cancer Support Group that is now supported by the oncology/hematology physicians at cCare, (California Cancer Associates for Research & Escellence).

I'm not crazy, I have cancer, why do I need counseling??

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